To create a coupon for your customers in WooCommerce, follow these steps:
- Log in to the WordPress dashboard for your website.
- Go to the WooCommerce section and select Coupons.
- Click on the “Add Coupon” button.
- In the “General” tab, you can set the coupon code, discount type, and amount.
- In the “Usage Restriction” tab, you can set the restrictions for the coupon such as the minimum spend, product/category restrictions, and usage limits.
- In the “Usage Limits” tab, you can set the usage limit for the coupon, such as a maximum number of uses or a time limit.
- Click on the “Publish” button to create the coupon.
Note: Once you have created the coupon, you will be able to see it in the Coupons section, where you can also edit, delete or see the usage of the coupons.